Sunday, November 9, 2014

Weekends in The Bay

Weekends away from the mountains are always hard. However it is nice to live in such a beautiful part of the Bay. Marin has some really great trail running with some really great views. I am getting excited about the prospect of running pain free very soon. Lots of icing, foam roller sessions, and rest. Except for the weekends... the weekends aren't meant for rest. Here is Muir Beach from a part of the trail this weekend.


Tuesday, November 4, 2014

Chains Required

What a weekend in Yosemite. Took me about 8 hours to get into the park because the 120 had chain restrictions. The Subaru does not carry chains... yet. It was so beautiful to finally see snow falling even though I had to take a 4 hour detour. It doesn't matter how long it takes Yosemite is always worth it. Here is a shot from El Cap meadow after my epic drive to the valley.

Love always,

Monday, October 27, 2014

Across the Golden Gate!

I had a fantastic weekend full of running, running, running and eat/sleeping. Will came up from Yosemite and I made sure he went home sore. We had an amazing run in Baltimore Canyon and King Mountain totaling about 8 miles of rolling hills and creek crossings with Lopi. Sunday we decided to lay down the hammer starting in Tennessee Valley at noon because the hottest part of the day is the best time to run right? We did a perfect 15.5 mile run around the Marin Headlands with an impromptu jog across the Golden Gate Bridge because why not.

I believe it is time to recover until next weekend....

Tuesday, October 21, 2014

I'm Back! Kind of Like the Phantom Spires.

Life has been crazy. San Francisco has been a hard adjustment. The mountains though are unbeatable. I have spent the past 3 months exploring adventuring and loving the Sierras. Yosemite and Tahoe have some great rocks and I've only scratched the surface. I just recently bought a camera and have decided to start posting again with a photo or two from my adventures.

This is from Tahoe this past weekend. We camped at the Phantom Spires and climbed at Sugarloaf. The Phantom Spires, pictured here, actually have a cool story about them. It wasn't until a fire burnt all the surrounding trees that they were even discovered. Just think of all the hidden unclimbed rocks just waiting to be discovered!


Sunday, July 20, 2014

Me Racing What? Table Rock 10k

I decided to put my legs to the test and run the La Sportiva Table Rock 10k which involves a 2 mile climb where you gain 2000 feet of elevation... Talk about butt burner. I was convinced I sucked at running because of my years in cross country in high school racing 9 minute milers. Thus I have pledged to never race another 5k in my life... they are just to fast for my slow slow legs. Maybe I thought I'd be better at longer distances because its more acceptable to be slow. Thus here I am racing a 10k.

I went out and ran/hiked up the hill feeling meh and looking real slow. The second I hit the flats I was off picking people off left and right. Later looking at my Strava I realized I averaged under an 8 minute mile on the flat and rolling hills! What who I am? Then it was time for my favorite part... the down hill. I went down that hill like a bat out of hell... averaging in parts under a 7 minute mile on slick rocks and roots. All the sudden I was at the finish and people where yelling 3rd female! 3rd female! 3rd female! of course me still convinced I sucked at running was thinking "What jerks they probably say that to everyone finishing so that they sprint to the finish." Later realized I was in fact the 3rd female to cross the finish line and the 11th person overall and the 2nd in my age group! Again who am I? Not that chubby teenager in high school who couldn't even break top 50. Yea for confidence boosters. I may still suck at running but maybe I'm too hard on myself sometimes.


Friday, June 27, 2014

Vedauwoo Vedauwho?

Man do I miss Colorado. It was so nice having climbing partners and so many phenomenal areas to climb so close! Vedauwoo Wyoming was only a short 2 hour drive it was potential for just a day trip, which I ended up doing to send Eds crack, but can also be made into a nice long weekend with free beautiful camping. I must admit offwidthing is my guilty pleasure and the voo always seems to humble me every time I go. Roughly 90% of the routes are 5.7 however non of them are actually 5.7. Non the less I love the Voo! All I have to remember it now are old tape gloves, videos, and pictures. Enjoy


Thursday, June 26, 2014

Bouldering Competition Round Two

Man did the month and a half of freedom go fast! Life has been crazy moving to San Francisco and starting a full time job. So I will now proceed to update my blog with all the exciting things I did before I started a job. After that though I will try to update more frequently probably with depressing blogs about how I hate the city its not close enough to Yosemite and I'm wasting away in a office and the occasionally I made it out climbing or surfing YAY!
To the point, I competed in my second bouldering competition at the GoPro Mountain games back on June 9th! The wall was outside on the main lawn so it tended to gather a lot of watchers. Fortunately or unfortunately it was raining and probably below freezing so we gathered no crowd but we also froze are buts off and our hands. This was a little different from my first competition for several reasons. First, I trained zero percent and probably spent about one day in the gym in the past 3 months before this competition. Second, it was two and a half hours long and really sand bagged. Last, it was outside and freezing cold and wet and raining.
Non the less I went out and tried my best and sucked pretty bad only scored about 2100 points in the first 2 hours and 20 minutes. I then sent number 19 which was an intermediate route even though I was only registered for rec [because I had climbed very little in the gym and had low confidence in my abilities]. This bumped me up to 4000 points! Did I mention I sent this route in the last 5 minutes of the competition, would have got pretty close to dead last if I hadn't finished that route.
Link to Results:
Overall it was a really solid day and I can't wait to go back next year. This time I won't do rec and I'll try and climb a little indoors before hand!

Climbing love always!

Wednesday, June 25, 2014

Looking Towards the Future

As many of you know I'm in the big bad scary city of San Francisco doing that Software Engineer thing. This is exactly how I imagined my life progressing. You graduate high school, you make a decision on a life long career and you study that in college, you graduate college and you get a job, you do that for the rest of your life and anything that brings you joy is just a hobby. I guess now that I see this as a reality I want to change it. Everything in life has a flow chart a list of things you need to check off before progressing to the next step. In high school and college its classes you need to make it to the next year and to get a diploma. But I feel like I am at the last step and I have nothing left to work for. Maybe a promotion in a few years but is that really the next step? I think not. I've been considering going back for my PHD but that will only buy me a little more time before falling back into the life long grind of the working world.
So I've come to a conclusion. Do what you love. Everyone says it but no one ever does it. Often times what you love doesn't pay the bills. Don't get me wrong I love programming but I also love art and running and climbing. In my ideal world I could combine all 4 and make a living off of it! However I am currently locked into a 2 year contract in San Francisco and after those two years up I have several roads I hope to pursue all of which don't include staying on a 9 to 6 grind.
To be honest I've been doing a lot of reading from the North American Accident Reports and the Falcons guide self rescue book.What I would really like to be a part of is SAR [Search and Rescue]. It is crazy how much there is to learn and the amount of people out there who don't know enough. A specific quote from the 2012 edition sticks out to me. A man who had been rescued in Yosemite said "It's great to climb in the Valley. No matter how much trouble you get into you can just dial 911 for YOSAR.". So if you have an information on how to get prepared or involved in SAR I am all ears!

Till next time,

Monday, June 2, 2014

Turkey Rocks: Gobble Gobble

I've been doing a lot of climbing and trying to document it all. I'm working on a big video but as a side project trying to make individual videos for each trip. Just music and climbing nothing too complicated for this one. Enjoy this video from my last trip to the South Platte.

Turkey Rocks in Motion from Plasterer on Vimeo.


Saturday, May 31, 2014

Painting Progression

I must admit patience is not my strong suit. I like results, and I like things getting done fast. Thus painting can be a struggle at times. I want the painting done and I want to get it done with in a reasonable amount of time, and at a certain point I just give up and call it good. I drew up the Bridger Jacks while I was in Indian Creek back in March but still haven't gotten around to painting them. The current goal is to take a time lapse of the painting of the Bridger Jacks. Until that day here is a quick time lapse from an Indian painting I finished yesterday.

Painting Progression from Plasterer on Vimeo.


Friday, May 30, 2014

The Real Crag Dogs of Colorado

On the rare occasion Lopi gets to be off leash at the crag, he likes to take full advantage of his time. Mainly because cragging can be just kind of boring at times. Here is a short video of how he generally likes to spend his time. Translated by me.

The Real Crag Dogs of Colorado from Plasterer on Vimeo.


Monday, May 26, 2014

Tape Gloves: Being Sentimental and Reminiscent

Though I am no artist, I spent a few years doing recycled art. I absolutely loved it and even had a few of my pieces in shows! Naturally this leads me to keep things, that most people would throw away, in hopes of turning it into art some day. Needless to say, my latest hording of "trash" led to this sweet wall montage.
I had been holding on to all of my old tape gloves from my bigger climbing trips. The nice thing is that I took some mediocre pictures from all of those trips as well. So I printed out an 8x10 picture from each of the trips that I used those gloves for and then framed everything. I think it turned out pretty cool. Much different from some of my other recycled art pieces being a little more sentimental and reminiscent than art. But to think you make those gloves every time you take a trip spend a good thirty minutes getting them just right and covering all the "danger" areas. Sometimes they rip and sometimes you bleed on them and sometimes you have to do some hefty repairs mid day. And most everyone just throws them away after the trip. In my opinion the tape gloves are the most memorable thing to take away from a trip, even more so than a picture. Maybe its the gash you got on your finger in that super tight finger crack that bled all over your gloves or the sharp hand crack that just wore straight through the knuckles on your gloves. Your tape gloves tell a story much deeper than one picture can capture.


Wednesday, May 14, 2014

Summer Sneak Peek

My spirits are high! Time to get out and enjoy the time I have before I move. I'm leaving for a week in the South Platte of climbing and trail running. I have full intentions of documenting every second of my summer and here is just a sneak peek of whats in store!

Summer Sneak Peek from Plasterer on Vimeo.

Naomi and Lopi

Sunday, May 4, 2014

It is Official Now

   I did it! I signed a lease. I hope I made the right decision, but I guess I will never know. No looking back now. I decided to forgo the touristy Saulsilito and go with LarkSpur California. Equally as beautiful. Strangely enough everything north of city is gorgeous mountains and ocean. My last post was really down about moving away from Colorado and not saying I'm still not a little bummed; I will opt to tell only the good things about what I think about California.
   I was informed by a few locals of some of the best surfing in the area just west of Saulsilto! I am very excited to be able to pursue another fun hobby of mine that I admit I am very poor at. Similarly, Golden Gate National Park is just a hope and a skip away with tons of trails and hiking. Lopi and I will surely find some good runs to keep me and him in shape. Not to mention living right on the ocean will provide Lopi with the much needed water time he craves daily. Even though the climbing scene in Marin County may be slim it still exists! With books like the bay area bouldering I will surely get my fix of climbing in, even if I can't get out of the city or find a partner. And last but definitely not least is the option to go to Yosemite, Tahoe, and the High Sierras any weekend I want.
Though it's no Colorado this trip to San Francisco has made me see the silver lining of this tiny over populated area.
Here's to the future!

Wednesday, April 30, 2014

Feeling Down

   I'm feeling down. Some big chapters of my life are coming to an end. I'm moving once again. This time it's another big move. I moved from Pennsylvania to Colorado only 3 years ago and here I am again moving from Colorado to California. Packing my life in a car and never looking back. I feel anxious and sad. I was ready to leave my Pennsylvania life behind, but I don't feel ready to leave my Colorado life yet. I love it here. This is where I found my love for climbing and my passion for running. This is where I adopted the love of my life Mr. L'Hopital. This is where I found true happiness for once.
   Everyone tells me I will love San Francisco. They tell me this move is good for me. They tell me I will be fine. I know I will be fine, and I know that this move is good for me but it doesn't mean I shouldn't feel sadness. Yoga and meditation only ease my aching heart and rushing brain for a moment. I don't think I will feel peace about my decision to move for awhile. Maybe I did it for the money. Maybe I did it for the opportunity to start new again. Maybe I did it for the chance to see new places and meet new people. Maybe I did it to be closer to Yosemite, the high Sierras, and Tahoe [places I've never explored before]. Maybe I did it for all these reasons. One thing I know for sure, it wasn't because I wanted to leave Colorado, leave my awesome friends behind and the amazing climbing and mountains. No, I know that for sure.
  So here I sit another sleepless night feeling alone and depressed when I am still in the place I love surround by the people I love. I have an entire month and a half still here in Colorado. Where I plan to enjoy every second of it with no responsibilities. Climbing and running and enjoying the people in my life while they are still this close. It feels good to say how I'm feeling. I am only human, and I'm sure many people have felt the same way in there lives at one point or another.

Cheers to growing up and starting new! I'll be fine. I always am.

Tuesday, April 22, 2014

South Six Shooter Bouldering

Came across some footage from my trip to Indian Creek last month so I whipped together a little video from some fun boulders at the base of the South Six Shooter!

South Six Shooter Boulders from Plasterer on Vimeo.


Sunday, April 20, 2014

Hair Today Gone Tomorrow

I wish getting my hair stuck in my belay device was something that rarely ever happened, but for me it happens way more often then I would like. It doesn't matter if I'm repelling or belaying or my hair is pulled back in a pony tail or just down... it will find its way into my belay device. So I decided to make a little video over dramatizing the whole tragic situation. Enjoy!

Hair Today Gone Tomorrow from Plasterer on Vimeo.


Friday, April 18, 2014

Three Sisters Throw Back

Just thought I would throw it back to a video from 2012. Back when I wasn't as strong and my dog wasn't as big. Check it out.

Evergreen Bouldering 5/26/12 from Plasterer on Vimeo.


Monday, April 14, 2014

Go Grand or Go Home?

My climbing partner [Tyler] and myself have been getting really excited to climb the Grand Teton. Here is a video we made about it. We also entered it into a contest so hopefully we will get to go for free! *fingers crossed*
Check it out and tell me what you think.

I know its not on my Vimeo. I'll try to get it up there soon.

Thursday, April 3, 2014

Finding Balance

Everything in life is about finding a balance. A balance between work and play and everything in between. I mean they even make a pyramid to show you how to balance your food!

I've only been practicing yoga for a few months but I love the way it makes me feel. Its about finding a balance between mind and body and soul. Its about opening your heart and letting the light in and wiping off all of the negativity.

I feel like in life we get caught up in the fast pace of everything! We expect everything to come to us in the fastest manner we have fast food, cars, internet... and sometimes we forget to slow down and breath. Walk to work, have a sit down meal, be more patient with the people around us.

It is much harder than you would think in a world were time is everything!


Monday, March 31, 2014

Easy on the Eyes

I have never been very good at expressing myself through words. I choose to do so through art. It just makes more sense, and it's easier to look at.
Mt. McKinley

Friday, March 14, 2014

A Creek-end to Remember

So this video is not my best work, and I know this. I unfortunately didn't get the footage that I wanted and shot everything on a Nexus 7 tablet. So when I put the video into Adobe Premier and started editing my heart just wasn't in it. So the moral of the story is I am sorry if I waste a few minutes of your life if you do in fact choose to watch it.

-Naomi and Lopi

Thursday, March 13, 2014

Indian Creek and Potash Road

I am currently working on a video of my latest trip to Indian Creek/ Potash Road. Until then I decided to post some of my favorite pictures and share a few words of how amazing the trip was! The trip started out with a quick day at potash road where I led up a few slab routes and even ran the last route out for about 40 feet seen below...

5.9 She-la the Peeler Potash Road
We then headed into Indian Creek and decided our next day would be to send the South Six Shooter. Unfortunately when we got to the base we were stuck behind a group of 12 who was stuck behind a group of 4 so we turned around and ended the day bouldering near the base.
That night we sat around a campfire with Cedar Wright his wife Nellie there dog Gus and two friends Sean and Robert. It was an epic night which was followed by an awesome day climbing at the 2nd Meat Wall with Cedar and the gang.
My friend Tyler and Andrew on Unknown R of Tube Steaks
We even got to watch Cedar launch is video helicopter off towards the six shooters
Cedar Wright with his helicopter
Needless to say it was an amazing trip that ended with climbing one of the coolest looking routes off potash road called pocket rocket and Tyler beasted it out on lead.
5.10c Pocket Rocket
Along with all this amazing climbing I also got to do a little painting. One evening after a long day of climbing I perched myself on a hill at twilight and painted the sunset. Painting by head lamp can be quite the challenge.
Head lamp on my almost finished painting

Friday, March 7, 2014

First Bouldering Competition

Here's to my first blog post. I am a blogger of few words because I personally would rather look at pictures and videos. So here is a short post about my first bouldering competition. As a predominantly crack climber I am the first but not last to say I really suck at bouldering. So it was nice to compete at a more laid back and fun competition. I entered in the Rec league [V0-V2] but ended up competing in the Intermediate league [V3-V5] and getting last place. But at least I proved to myself I was stronger and better than Rec!  Here are a few photos.
Looking strong... but not climbing very strong. Also do I always stand this awkward?

Getting to do what I'm good at. Hand jamming for days!

Coolest problem to date! Toe hook, hand stand, sit up start.

Hey and I won this sweet guide book to the high sierras! Time to do my own Sufferfest?
PS: Lopi and I are headed to Indian Creek so stay tuned for a more worth while blog post!