I decided to put my legs to the test and run the La Sportiva Table Rock 10k which involves a 2 mile climb where you gain 2000 feet of elevation... Talk about butt burner. I was convinced I sucked at running because of my years in cross country in high school racing 9 minute milers. Thus I have pledged to never race another 5k in my life... they are just to fast for my slow slow legs. Maybe I thought I'd be better at longer distances because its more acceptable to be slow. Thus here I am racing a 10k.
I went out and ran/hiked up the hill feeling meh and looking real slow. The second I hit the flats I was off picking people off left and right. Later looking at my Strava I realized I averaged under an 8 minute mile on the flat and rolling hills! What who I am? Then it was time for my favorite part... the down hill. I went down that hill like a bat out of hell... averaging in parts under a 7 minute mile on slick rocks and roots. All the sudden I was at the finish and people where yelling 3rd female! 3rd female! 3rd female! of course me still convinced I sucked at running was thinking "What jerks they probably say that to everyone finishing so that they sprint to the finish." Later realized I was in fact the 3rd female to cross the finish line and the 11th person overall and the 2nd in my age group! Again who am I? Not that chubby teenager in high school who couldn't even break top 50. Yea for confidence boosters. I may still suck at running but maybe I'm too hard on myself sometimes.
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